Monday 24 October 2011

Bruise Easily? Remedies that Work

Here is a question from a reader and my answer which you may find very helpful if you tend to bruise easily.
Q: I am always getting huge bruises all over.  Can you please tell me if this is caused by a vitamin deficiency?

A: You are right on the money to assume that easy bruising can be a sign of nutritional deficiency. A deficiency of vitamin C, iron and vitamin K is usually associated with easy bruising. I would look for a vitamin C product which contains bioflavonoids, such as Ultra C 1000 by Metagenics. Bioflavonoids enhance the activity of vitamin C in the body. After a few months, you will notice that the bruising will improve. I had this problem myself and its gone now with the aid of supplements. Before taking iron, I would recommend that you see your doctor to ask for an assessment of your levels. Ferritin is the name of the test that you should inquire about. If it is discovered that you need to take iron, remember to take iron citrate at the same time as your vitamin C for best absorption. 
Dr. Natasha Turner ND
Author, The Hormone Diet
The Supercharged Hormone Diet

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